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I’m an aficionado of food and drink, though not in the traditional sense. My opinions may make you laugh but some might also not agree with you. Take into consideration the fact that I can’t/don’t cook nor do I bake nor have I had any education or training in cuisine at any point in time. I’m merely a midwestern kid that grew up with some great food around him and I love the food channel and strive to try every kind of food I possibly can; and thereby leave my opinions of them here.

How to Eat Sushi

How To Actually Eat Sushi the right way

Sushi is one of those things that had to grow on me. Being raised up in the midwest and not stepping foot into an ocean until I was 20; it just wasn’t something that many people ate near me. Raw fish? ick.

Fast forward to today – I can’t get enough of it and I’m damn picky about how it’s made and where I eat it. I’ll hunt for the whole-in-the-walls with fresh fish and smile all the way home.

This brings us to a video from Munchies on Vice. Sushi Master Naomichi Yasuda teaches us the proper way to eat sushi.
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