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Nintendo Mario on iPad

When is Nintendo going to make iOS apps? [Updated]

MAJOR UPDATE 2016-12-15: Super Mario Run is in the app store!

(updates to this story posted below) – As far as I’m concerned, right now Nintendo is dead. We could get into numbers and market stuff but I don’t care right now. Let common sense guide you here. Nothing they’ve created since the N64, with slight exception to the Wii and 3DS, has been anything to really care about. The new Wii U is pretty weak and they just can’t compete anymore with the other consoles. Sony Playstation and especially Xbox are in a league of their own that doesn’t include Nintendo; just look at how Xbox is taking was trying to take over the living room and dominating with Xbox Kinect. Not to mention the absolute fail that is multiplayer on Nintendo Wii (and U).

Nintendo Mario on iPadAnyways.. back to the point. When is Nintendo going to release IP rights for Mario and the old popular games on iOS?
Would you pay $5 or maybe even $10 for Mario to play on your iphone and ipad? Fuck yeah I would! Super Mario Bros? Mario Kart? Zelda? Super Sprint? RC Pro Am? Pilot Wings? F-Zero!

COME ON NINTENDO! You’re slowly dying – this is by far the best way to save yourself. You don’t have to be Sega, people actually want to play Mario on iOS unlike Sonic.

I’m just waiting. It’ll happen. It’s just a matter of time…Read More »When is Nintendo going to make iOS apps? [Updated]

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